I originally started getting issues with an ASP.NET report viewer. In the server event logs I was getting the message – ‘Missing URL parameter: Name’. After looking in to this issue, it appears that the client computer was behind a Bluecoat proxy which seems to replace ‘&’ with ‘amp;’
So, if you have a URL containing multiple parameters, the proxy server messes up the URL.
Without a Bluecoat Proxy
With a Bluecoat Proxy
I got around this issue by using the following code in the Global.asax.cs file under Application_BeginRequest. It will find anything in the URL with 'amp;' and replace it with an '&'.
if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_BLUECOAT_VIA"] == null)
//Do nothing
//Replace 'amp;' with '&'
HttpContext.Current.RewritePath(Request.Path + "?" +
Request.QueryString.ToString().Replace(Server.UrlEncode("amp;"), "&"), true);